Your Complete Mindset Reset

Introducing my 28-Day “Die Before You Quit” Challenge - to help you build unbreakable resilience and mental toughness. No more doubting yourself!

Hey there!

Clarissa Phalen here.

As a Major in the Army National Guard, Detective with the San Antonio Police Department, and even a top bodybuilding competitor...I've learned that the biggest barrier to achieving any goal is letting your mindset hold you back.

That annoying voice of doubt, fear, and self-sabotage that creeps in and convinces you to take the easy road? We’re going to kick that negativity to the curb.

But here's the thing - your mind will always quit before your body does. The key is training your brain to push through discomfort and keep showing up, even when it's hard.

That's why I created My 28-Day “Die Before You Quit” Challenge

A Mindset Reboot Like No Other

Over the course of just 28 days, you'll go through 4 weekly modules filled with daily challenges designed to stretch you mentally and physically. From waking up earlier to embracing cold showers (yes, really!), these tasks will seem simple on the surface.

But the magic happens as you start building the mental muscle to just show up and follow through on your intentions, no matter what. 

By the end, your negative self-talk and mindset blocks will be no match for your newfound resilience and determination. 

You'll learn:

✨ How to cultivate self-discipline and personal accountability (no more half-done efforts!)

✨ My personal strategies for building trust in yourself and your abilities

✨ A reframed approach to discomfort so you can turn it into a catalyst for constant growth

If you’re sick of settling, holding yourself back, or staying stuck in limiting beliefs, this 28 day challenge is for you.